What's the hair transplant?

The most effective way to solve the baldness problem seen in men is hair transplant. Although the problem of baldness is seen at any age, it is more intense especially in men over the age of 40. Especially in recent years, the problem of baldness begins at an earlier age

Hair transplant is the process of removing hair follicles from areas where hair is dense and transplanting them to non-hair areas. Since the hair follicles are taken from the patient himself, there is no risk of rejection.

As in most areas today, a very important way has been made in hair transplant. Thanks to the development of technology in hair transplant, a much faster and more effective solution to the problem of baldness is offered compared to many methods previously applied.

In addition to being an important contribution of technology, the team that will perform hair transplant should also be expert and experienced.

Who Can Hair Transplantation Be Transplanted For?

Hair transplantation is applied in cases where the hair is sparse or absent in a certain area

What Are the Hair Transplant Methods?

  • Sapphire tip hair transplant
  • FUE hair transplant
  • DHI hair transplant
  • Needle-free hair transplantation

What is the sapphire tip hair transplant

Sapphire tip hair transplant is an operation performed with special tools. FUE is one of the sub-methods of hair transplant technique. Thanks to the micro motor used in this method, a fast and effective result is obtained. In addition, the survival and retention rate of the transplanted hair is high. The risk of allergies and infections is also significantly reduced by this method.

How is the sapphire tip hair transplant technique applied?

Sapphire tip hair transplant is performed with the help of micromotor and sapphire tip instruments. After the hair analysis and hairline line are determined, the operation stage is started. Local anesthesia is applied during the operation. Healthy hair follicles are taken with sapphire tipped tools and transplanted one by one to the non-hair area. The operation varies depending on the size of the region to be transplanted, but it takes an average of 6 hours.

What are the advantages of sapphire tip hair transplant?

In this method, no scarring occurs and no scars remain, and there is a rapid healing process according to the normal FUE technique. In addition, sapphire inserts are more hygienic because they are used once.

What is the hair regrowth process after sapphire tip hair transplant?

After sapphire tip hair transplant, a new hairline is formed immediately. However, the growth process of the transplanted hair varies according to the person. Everyone's hair is different, and this means that the duration of hair growth differs for everyone. However, thanks to sapphire tip hair transplant, results are obtained faster than other techniques. The results begin to appear after 4-6 weeks, and the final result is observed after 5-6 months.

What is the FUE Technique?

FUE (Follicular unit) is the technique of hair transplantation in which each hair follicle is taken and transplanted in the non-hair area. Thanks to the FUE technique, a natural hair appearance is achieved. Thanks to this method, it is impossible to distinguish transplanted hair from natural hair. In transplant, it is very important that the team performing the FUE hair transplant is expert and experienced because the hair transplantation process is performed one by one.

How is FUE hair transplant done?

First, the hair is shaved with sterile solutions before hair transplantation. Local anesthesia is then applied. As a result of anesthesia with fine-tipped needles, pain is not felt. As many grafts and hairs as possible are collected with a micromotor. This process takes about 7-8 hours. The roots kept in the special solution are planted one by one into the appropriate hair channels and hair holes.

The transferred hair should be planted by the expert team according to the direction of the follicle. In this way, a natural appearance is obtained and it is not obvious that the hair transplant was done. In hair transplantation performed with this method, hair begins to grow after 4 months, and dense and natural hair is usually obtained after 1 year.

What are the advantages of FUE hair transplantation?

One of the most important issues in hair transplantation is to plant the hair at appropriate angles. In the hair lesson, the hair grows at different angles in different regions. Thanks to the FUE hair transplantation method, the hair is transferred with the same symmetry and angle as the neighboring hair follicles.

The success rate in FUE hair transplantation is more than 90% and usually approaches 100%.

What is DHI hair transplantation?

In DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) hair transplantation technique, the most advanced extraction and transplantation tools with a diameter of 1 mm are used. Thanks to this method, less damage is done to the hair follicles and rapid recovery is achieved. With the DHI hair transplantation method, nearly 100% natural looking hair is obtained.

The team applying this method should be expert and experienced. The hair transplant team must have received training and certification from the DHI Hair Restoration Academy in London.

The most important advantages of the DHI hair transplant method are; natural appearance, painless operation, completely safe, hair growth for life, maximum use.